Monday, May 18, 2009

When is it NOT all about ME?

Firstly, how great were the Shob and Andy workshops? Secondly, how great were YOU guys?!?

When I go to workshops or exchanges, I always like to just slip into the class and learn at my own pace, the thing I hate the most is getting introduced to the other teachers or their class as "Narelle the teacher". Its mostly a self confidence thing, like I don't want anyone to think I'm going to pick up the new moves super fast or anything (I actually have to work just as hard as anyone else!!) and I don't want anyone to think I'm a berk if I don't pick it up at all, so usually I just try to blend in, but this weekend was different.

I was bursting with pride! Hobart made up the majority of students, and you looked amazing. Everyone was polite, friendly, technically solid.. as your Hobart teacher (or at least one time Hobart teacher), there is nothing else i could have asked for. I felt as though it was the Hobart crew that asked the great questions, it was the Hobart crew that really made the effort and it was the Hobart crew that kept on raising the bar.

I know I might be biased, and in no way am I putting down any of the other students, I just wanted to tell you guys that at the end of the ball, when you were all still out there on the floor shakin what yo momma gave you..I was in the back corner, exhausted from both the classes and from beaming all night.

Shob and Andy spotted me from afar, and came over to say hi, and just on the by and by, Shob asked who was teaching in Hobart these days. Without any hesitation I almost yelled "I AM!!".. I could not keep it in any longer! Yes its true, I managed to turn your awesomeness into my awesomeness and back around so that it was once again all about me!

I think we have all done a great job, and I hope we all make it out and about this year to as many exchanges and workshops as possible, because although sometimes being from Tassie, makes us feel like we are from the back waters, when it comes to young, enthusiastic, grounded, awesome dancers, we dear Hobart are leading the pack!

As far as exchanges and workshops go, I can not stress enough how important it is that you support your home grown activities. Numbers for regular classes are huge (keep it up!!) and numbers for specialty classes are growing at such a rate that Tasswing is thinking about making them more regular (see below from the newsletter)


We are considering making the blues and balboa classes monthly - ie one blues class a month and one balboa class a month. If you think this a good idea and would like more blues and balboa than we currently have, then please send an email to Kara or Barry -, to let us know!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure you provide your feedback to Kara and Barry, heck, feel free to write to any of the Tasswing teachers and let them know how awesome we are.. or umm.. what else you would like to see in class.. AND..

You MUST go to Devil City Swing - again check out the newsletter for info - but even better head to, click on the "I" and register!!

Every year we have been out numbered by mainlanders and over seas peeps.. this year Hobart, we must band together, and unite our swing forces, the bigger this event gets, the lower the prices will be, so support the people who support you!!

Ok enough with the love, I'm already starting to feel worn out again, I shall need my energy reserves for my training session with Barry tonight. We will be planning our Bal classes for tomorrow night (Tuesday night, 7.00 and 8.00, central bar & cafe - BALBOA), so be there, or get named and shamed!!



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