Friday, May 29, 2009

Baby Baby - why cant we just Bal together?

Lordy Wordy - its not often the swing dancing gods give us a Tim Grimsey but when they do - this is what they give us. That's right - a complete months worth of Bal steps covered in the May Level Two Class... Grimsey = Legend!
(please note - Tim did most of the work - ive just put in one or two extra notes in italics)

Week One

Basic – step together hang together, step together hang together

Basic with downs on 3 – step together down, step together hang together

Wee of 3 - with commencing momentum on 2 (no rock back yet)

Wee on 3 - with send out and free come-back-in

Week Two

Refreshing basic with hangs and downs

Wee on 3 – with a rock back on 1 to establish momentum. Lead rocks back but does not rock follow back. (the guys here are trying to create space for momentum, so they don't let us rock back, we should feel pressure on out back making us step, step pretty much on the spot)

Send out and free come-back-in

Send out with inside turn come-back-in

Send out with connection between right (lead) and left (follow) hands with free come-back-in

Send out into two-handed open position. Come-back-in to sweethearts with lead quarter turn. Send out to open with right (lead) and left (follow) hands then free come-back-in.

Brief introduction to lollies and the lead kick/tap around follow.

Week 3

Refresher of send out, come-back-in

Lollies – Rock-back weeeeee(3,4) step(5) step(6) kick(7) step(8), tap(1) step(2) kick(3) step etc. Lead paddles with right hand and moves quarter turn each 4 counts. (here it should feel strong like in the Charleston jig walks, the front hand should be low and stable with inward pressure from both - not side to side like a saw)

Lollies – with parting on 6 to allow girls "ninja pose"(our standard open position after weeing on three and being sent into open) kick on 7 then free come-back-in into basic

Lollies – with parting on 6 to allow ninja pose kick on 7 then free come-back-in into lollies

Lollies – with parting on either 2 or 6 (tricky) with come-back in

Lollies – with inside turn after kick (girls what we have her is kick, tap, kick, step step step, tap, kick etc)

Variations on all different types of lollies – you could say a mixed bag of lollies really.

Consolidation of previous 3 weeks including Crab Walks

Week 4

Crab Walks

5 lead shifts weight to left and steps forward with right foot, hold for beat 6, back on 7, hold for beat 8, forward on 1, hold for beat 2, back on 3 and shift all weight to right foot – which may raise the left foot. Hold for beat 4, step back with left foot on 5, hold for beat 6, forward on 7, hold for beat 8, back on 1, hold for beat 2 then hang step on 3-4. Back into (second half) of basic. Make sure you continue your (subtle) pulse and get your whole lower body into it – too stiff and it looks awkward. (In class would have hear, basic, then, 1,2,3,4, FIVE and fake-it, fake-it, fake-it, switch and fake-it, fake it, fake-it, up step etc into basic)

Then the new move - Free send out with outside turn and upper arm/elbow capture

Basic then wee on 3. The wee needs to have more power then usual send outs (its more power but its also letting it continue though four, so that the girl can roll across you rather than getting stilted). Suggested to start momentum on 2 and begin release on 3 ... and a smidge. Send out with outside turn.

Lead has right hand in centre of lower back (bra clasp). This stays connected to the upper back until capture is required in upper arm of follow (this is follow's right arm). The capture should be on 6 or 7 but should allow the follow to get around and into her ninja squat on 7 with all weight on right leg – left lead cocked. Come back in same as before. (it is imperative that the leads hand stays in contact with the follow, unfortunately after class there was some bruising from where slapping had occurred, if in doubt abort a mission, a slap lead is NEVER ok)

Tricky when you're thinking about it – slightly less tricky when you just chuck it in.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Attention all peeps who missioned up to Launceston on the weekend!!! I am on the lookout for any footage of the Andy and Shob workshops.

I have been asked to look into reviewing the workshop content next month in the level 1 class, but I will need a gentle reminder of what was taught - by gentle reminder I mean visual aid!!

Please email me or see me in class if you have any footage that I can use to study/revise/class plan - there is a lemonade in it for you!!


How Now Brown Bal

A big well done to everyone who popped into the Central Bar and Cafe last night to get their bal groove on! A massive thanks to the newer students for putting their faith into Barry and I and for branching out to a new venue and new class time and a huge thanks to the more experienced dancers for keeping the pace cracking and helping bring up to speed the newer students in the more advanced class.

Comments from both classes included; "was great to be able to spend time going over the first class again in the second class, this time with more experienced people who could help guide us through" and "dancing with some of the newer students helped me really think about what I was doing, and how it was effecting them. I think we all got something out of the class".

The smaller (but still ratio even) numbers meant that Barry and I had time to make individual comment and provide feedback to all students, even better (ok equally as good), students were able to provide feedback to Barry and I, helping the class move along in the right direction and at the right pace.

I remind you all that these classes (blues and bal) were a little bit of a gamble, we heard whispers in dark alleys that there was a need for more bal and blues to be taught, now is the time to come out of the shadows and put pen to paper (or the electronic equivalent) and write to your teachers to let them know if you want more/less/longer Tuesday night classes.

Classes from last night will NOT stream into tonight's Bal class, this means we won't be covering the moves from last night in our Bal block, so don't worry if you were not in class last night - you will not be left behind!

See you all tonight!!


Monday, May 18, 2009

When is it NOT all about ME?

Firstly, how great were the Shob and Andy workshops? Secondly, how great were YOU guys?!?

When I go to workshops or exchanges, I always like to just slip into the class and learn at my own pace, the thing I hate the most is getting introduced to the other teachers or their class as "Narelle the teacher". Its mostly a self confidence thing, like I don't want anyone to think I'm going to pick up the new moves super fast or anything (I actually have to work just as hard as anyone else!!) and I don't want anyone to think I'm a berk if I don't pick it up at all, so usually I just try to blend in, but this weekend was different.

I was bursting with pride! Hobart made up the majority of students, and you looked amazing. Everyone was polite, friendly, technically solid.. as your Hobart teacher (or at least one time Hobart teacher), there is nothing else i could have asked for. I felt as though it was the Hobart crew that asked the great questions, it was the Hobart crew that really made the effort and it was the Hobart crew that kept on raising the bar.

I know I might be biased, and in no way am I putting down any of the other students, I just wanted to tell you guys that at the end of the ball, when you were all still out there on the floor shakin what yo momma gave you..I was in the back corner, exhausted from both the classes and from beaming all night.

Shob and Andy spotted me from afar, and came over to say hi, and just on the by and by, Shob asked who was teaching in Hobart these days. Without any hesitation I almost yelled "I AM!!".. I could not keep it in any longer! Yes its true, I managed to turn your awesomeness into my awesomeness and back around so that it was once again all about me!

I think we have all done a great job, and I hope we all make it out and about this year to as many exchanges and workshops as possible, because although sometimes being from Tassie, makes us feel like we are from the back waters, when it comes to young, enthusiastic, grounded, awesome dancers, we dear Hobart are leading the pack!

As far as exchanges and workshops go, I can not stress enough how important it is that you support your home grown activities. Numbers for regular classes are huge (keep it up!!) and numbers for specialty classes are growing at such a rate that Tasswing is thinking about making them more regular (see below from the newsletter)


We are considering making the blues and balboa classes monthly - ie one blues class a month and one balboa class a month. If you think this a good idea and would like more blues and balboa than we currently have, then please send an email to Kara or Barry -, to let us know!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure you provide your feedback to Kara and Barry, heck, feel free to write to any of the Tasswing teachers and let them know how awesome we are.. or umm.. what else you would like to see in class.. AND..

You MUST go to Devil City Swing - again check out the newsletter for info - but even better head to, click on the "I" and register!!

Every year we have been out numbered by mainlanders and over seas peeps.. this year Hobart, we must band together, and unite our swing forces, the bigger this event gets, the lower the prices will be, so support the people who support you!!

Ok enough with the love, I'm already starting to feel worn out again, I shall need my energy reserves for my training session with Barry tonight. We will be planning our Bal classes for tomorrow night (Tuesday night, 7.00 and 8.00, central bar & cafe - BALBOA), so be there, or get named and shamed!!



Friday, May 15, 2009

Legs akimbo, mouths agog, nothing smarts as much as a flung fist to the face

Have you ever watched a small child frantically mashing its own fist into its face, along with whatever food it can slide in there, knowing that the simple pleasure of a) sucking ones own fist, and b) mashing food into ones own face for absorption later is a simple pleasure that whilst for now, makes that kid the happiest it will ever be, that happiness wont last forever.

Someone will come along and mop up the mess, and introduce cutlery, and napkins, and polite dinner conversation. Someone will come along and break the spirit of that small child, but at the same time, give it the skills it needs to be able to eat solid food, at a dinner table.. without using its hands as utensils.

Sometimes when I watch students out on the dance floor, its like watching them remember their fist/face mashing childhood, and the happiness on their faces is priceless.. but someone has to come along and give these guys some cutlery.

In this instance cutlery is a metaphor for spacial awareness. I know how hard it is to dance (I just make it look easy by winking at people and using jazz hands), let alone follow/lead well, take care of my partner, remember the moves, listen to the music, make sure I don't fall on my bum.. the one thing that seems to catch us all out the most - is adding spacial awareness into that mix.

The Wednesday just gone, was a combo of roller derby, dodgem cars, swing dancing, and kung fu.. it looked great, but once in the mix, I began fearing for not only my pretty pretty face, but for limb and life!

The floor was crowded (yay), the music was fast (yay), the dancers were pumped (yay), the spacial awareness was fail (boo). Weather you are a lead or a follow, it is so important that you are aware of not only your body (and limbs) but your partners body and limbs and all of those bodies and limbs around you. Its not enough to hope that someone will move out of the way for you, its not enough to yell out duck and hope that everything is ok, and its not enough to say sorry after a bump, only to do it again at the end of the next set of 8.

We all dance to have fun, and fun we will have, but on nights like the Wednesday just gone, we needed to have more fun on the inside, less fun on the outside. Turns need to be led tighter when the floor is crowded and fast, moves like massive swing outs are not ok! Ladies who know about the air, hair and derriere need to remember, that we are soft and delicate flowers (or that's what we want people to believe), we don't want to be ska dancing, windmill attackers!

I feel like im the one giving out the cutlery here. What i want to avoid is killing every ones spirit, I don't want people to go out onto the floor with a board and heavy heart, but I need for everyone, to curb their own joy, if its going to be a risky move for those around them.

I think I will talk more about it in class (as I'm sure the other teachers will do), because at the end of the day, a safe floor is far better than a roller derby disco inferno of slap and tickle madness (not that it sounds like it), but i want to plant the seed out there. Swing dancing is a discipline (yeah like karate!!), sometimes the fun temporarily goes in lieu of responsibility, but when youve learnt how to duck and dodge and abort moves and still have fun, I honestly think it will increase the joy ten fold.

This mixed up metaphor is not just for the newbies, its for everyone who social dances, as is this message: NO AERIALS PLEASE! I know there has been a new wave of off the floor madness on Tuesday nights (with Barry and Stacey), and i personally am a fiend for a frog jump or five, and if we are responsible enough to learn aerials, we need to be responsible enough to know when to use them. As a general rule, you need a guaranteed two meter radius of safety around you and your partner, you need to be 100% sure that no one will cop a flying leg/arm/torso to the face. You need to be able to communicate your actions to your partner and often a hoi out to anyone anywhere else on the dance floor.

I cant tell you to never ever do them, but I can tell you that the Queens Head on a Wednesday night is not the best time to try them, especially a night like the one we just had, with a fast and crowded dance floor.

Right I think I've said what I need to say, and I hope that even when we are all being carefull, we can all still hear how much fun has been had (Sally.. we all know I'm talking about your infectious laughter here).

If you have any questions about how to manouver your partner out of danger and into safety, or if you would like some help knowing what the boudaries are, please ask your teachers.. its not like at school, we are actually here to help!!

Love, kisses and fists full of face mashing goodness to you all!!


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Beautiful is as Beautiful does

I promised our Sally a shout out in my blog because it was one of her amazing designs (a pearl necklace.. giggle hehehe) that set off an out fit like a parasol does a fancy cocktail!

I recently had the pleasure of visiting Sally's child hood home and meeting her amazing family. While there I also met a few lovers that im yet to make mine.. perhaps I should explain.

Sally took us out to her family vineyard ( and on the way to the tasting bar, we walked through the show room for Sally Grace Designs (

Like a kid in a candy store, I WANTED THEM ALL! There were hair clips, rings, bracelets, necklaces, pearls, gems (seriously check out the site). I fell in love with a delightful pearl number, but alas, my delicate features were a bit over thrown by the weight of the necklace (actually it was just a bit long and fell awkwardly at my bust..). With a heavy heart and a somewhat sulky expression, I took my place at the bar, but not even the sticky goodness of blackberry liquor could take the sting out of my yearning for that necklace.

Everyone was enjoying themselves, I however was distracted, if only that necklace could be made shorter, if only my bust could be made bigger, if only i had a short man servant to walk around with me, holding the necklace up and at the same time not blocking the view of any cleavage i did have on display.. sigh, an impossible dream.. OR WAS IT??

I caught Sally for a moment, and she knew what the flush on my cheeks meant.. not to mention the lustful look of desire in my eye!! Without hesitation, she removed the necklace from its hook, and counted out the number of pearls to be removed to make it more suitable for me. The next day it was in my hot (slightly clammy with excitement) hand, and then sitting, gracefully well above my bust line.

If you are looking for that something special, for yourself or for a loved one, make sure you check out the website or catch Sally in class.

Congrats to Jamie and Melissa

Wow - I finally got some photos through from Melissa - and boy were they worth the wait!

Dont know if you guys remember this from an old tasswing newsletter:

A big congratulations to Jamie and Melissa on their wedding (and their wedding dance), on the 17th of January. Ever diligent students, Jamie and Melissa turned up to as many Wednesday night classes as possible and supplemented their regular classes with private lessons. The couple were going great guns until a knee injury slowed Jamie down just a tad. Not to worry, the couple adapted their six count (took out the triples) and kept on going!

Jamie and Melissa are another great example of the high standard of dancing that can be achieved, when regular classes are supplemented with a few private lessons, a great idea for a special day (like a wedding!!). The private lessons were challenging and I wont lie, they were frustrating and at times, a cool glass of lemonade was often needed, but the outcome for this couple, was well worth the effort they put in!

These guys did amazingly well to work around my crazy schedule, their crazy schedule (leading up to Christmas, and New Year was a bit hectic!!), and the fact that a batch of well intentioned brownies nearly killed Melissa (peanut allergy, not just bad cooking). From all accounts their big day went off without a hitch and in her own words, the new couple "made a few mistakes but had an amazing dance". Again, congratulations guys!!