Friday, May 29, 2009

Baby Baby - why cant we just Bal together?

Lordy Wordy - its not often the swing dancing gods give us a Tim Grimsey but when they do - this is what they give us. That's right - a complete months worth of Bal steps covered in the May Level Two Class... Grimsey = Legend!
(please note - Tim did most of the work - ive just put in one or two extra notes in italics)

Week One

Basic – step together hang together, step together hang together

Basic with downs on 3 – step together down, step together hang together

Wee of 3 - with commencing momentum on 2 (no rock back yet)

Wee on 3 - with send out and free come-back-in

Week Two

Refreshing basic with hangs and downs

Wee on 3 – with a rock back on 1 to establish momentum. Lead rocks back but does not rock follow back. (the guys here are trying to create space for momentum, so they don't let us rock back, we should feel pressure on out back making us step, step pretty much on the spot)

Send out and free come-back-in

Send out with inside turn come-back-in

Send out with connection between right (lead) and left (follow) hands with free come-back-in

Send out into two-handed open position. Come-back-in to sweethearts with lead quarter turn. Send out to open with right (lead) and left (follow) hands then free come-back-in.

Brief introduction to lollies and the lead kick/tap around follow.

Week 3

Refresher of send out, come-back-in

Lollies – Rock-back weeeeee(3,4) step(5) step(6) kick(7) step(8), tap(1) step(2) kick(3) step etc. Lead paddles with right hand and moves quarter turn each 4 counts. (here it should feel strong like in the Charleston jig walks, the front hand should be low and stable with inward pressure from both - not side to side like a saw)

Lollies – with parting on 6 to allow girls "ninja pose"(our standard open position after weeing on three and being sent into open) kick on 7 then free come-back-in into basic

Lollies – with parting on 6 to allow ninja pose kick on 7 then free come-back-in into lollies

Lollies – with parting on either 2 or 6 (tricky) with come-back in

Lollies – with inside turn after kick (girls what we have her is kick, tap, kick, step step step, tap, kick etc)

Variations on all different types of lollies – you could say a mixed bag of lollies really.

Consolidation of previous 3 weeks including Crab Walks

Week 4

Crab Walks

5 lead shifts weight to left and steps forward with right foot, hold for beat 6, back on 7, hold for beat 8, forward on 1, hold for beat 2, back on 3 and shift all weight to right foot – which may raise the left foot. Hold for beat 4, step back with left foot on 5, hold for beat 6, forward on 7, hold for beat 8, back on 1, hold for beat 2 then hang step on 3-4. Back into (second half) of basic. Make sure you continue your (subtle) pulse and get your whole lower body into it – too stiff and it looks awkward. (In class would have hear, basic, then, 1,2,3,4, FIVE and fake-it, fake-it, fake-it, switch and fake-it, fake it, fake-it, up step etc into basic)

Then the new move - Free send out with outside turn and upper arm/elbow capture

Basic then wee on 3. The wee needs to have more power then usual send outs (its more power but its also letting it continue though four, so that the girl can roll across you rather than getting stilted). Suggested to start momentum on 2 and begin release on 3 ... and a smidge. Send out with outside turn.

Lead has right hand in centre of lower back (bra clasp). This stays connected to the upper back until capture is required in upper arm of follow (this is follow's right arm). The capture should be on 6 or 7 but should allow the follow to get around and into her ninja squat on 7 with all weight on right leg – left lead cocked. Come back in same as before. (it is imperative that the leads hand stays in contact with the follow, unfortunately after class there was some bruising from where slapping had occurred, if in doubt abort a mission, a slap lead is NEVER ok)

Tricky when you're thinking about it – slightly less tricky when you just chuck it in.

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