Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Cliff and Amy

These guys seriously made me want to teach full time!! They are the most amazing couple and damn it, wouldn't you know it, they have bucket loads of natural talent.

Cliff was quite the student back in the day, a regular on Tuesdays as I recall, but then as all dark horses do, he disappeared for a few years until I one day unwittingly knocked on his kitchen door asking if he was the guy getting married and introducing myself as his teacher!

Of course I recognized Cliff right away, his tall dark and handsome looks had not changed, now they were beautifully complimented by Amy, a peaches and cream complexion, and hair made of real sunlight and gold!

These guys were just dreamy!! (am i gushing??). They had their song, they had ambition, they had me as their teacher.. what else is there!?!? Well modesty is not my strong point, but I should say, these guys barely needed me!!

Cliff is a strong lead, Amy is a light as a feather follow, all I had to do was throw in a dip, a jump and a little strutt and the rest was all them!!

Our last class was barely a class at all!  They gave their dance one final go through, complete with giggles, styling, flourishes and a kiss (actually a few kisses!!) after that it was glasses of bubbly and snacks.

I have taught a number of wedding classes over the past few years, but never ever before have I felt so welcomed into someones home, and showered with so much joy and happiness!  As you can see by the photos, these guys are going to be happily ever after. I secretly hope that when they hear their song when they are out at dinner for their fiftieth wedding anniversary, they get up and do their dance like they did for their big day, I'm sure they will remember all the moves as I also secretly hope they bust out the dance in the lounge room of their newly purchased home.
Congratulations for everything guys!!!

ps - perhaps we see you in class sometime???


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Duncan "danger only to himself" Robinson and the Slim Shaddow

Well well well - what a turn out for the books, Duncan has gone and busted up his Achilles tendon! In what I strongly suspect was a publicity stunt designed to get the attention from the ladies, Duncan has put himself out of the game for at least a few months, making way for Simon "the slim shaddow" Chadwick to get his feet wet as a trainee teacher.

Last night Simon stole the show with his smooth Charleston styling and words of wisdom! Next week we will have more of the same but with new moves, new tunes, and new students as always!!

On top of the changes inside of regular classes, there is also whispers in the wings of fund raising for Devil City Swing starting NOW for the 2010 event!

Up for grabs this week is ONE WHOLE HOUR WITH ME!! That's right, usually I pimp out my time at fifty clams and hour, this week you could get the same great Relle for only a dollar (triple your changes and pay two dollars.. still well worth it.)

You can use this time to have a private swing dance lesson, tutorial in vintage hair styling, tell me three different kind of confectionery to bake into brownies for you, have me wash your car in a tiny bikini - ok that last one is a lie, but seriously get on board and buy a raffle ticket to make sure this years Devil City Swing is THE BEST EVER.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Eight Count - an interperative outline through words..

Hey Feb Level One Students!!
This is gonna be a little tricky, but as promised im going to do my best to describe how to do the "swing out foot work" here on this blog for you!

Eight Count Foot Work (girls)
Step (onto right)1
Step (onto left) 2
Triple step (weight on the right by the end)3 & 4
Step (onto left)5
Step (onto right)6
Triple Step (weight onto left by the end)7 & 8

Guys, your foot work is the same, but on the opposite foot.

We had for the girls from an open position, forward, forward, triple step, away, away, triple step.

For the boys I got nothing for ya - come to class next week, we will go over it all again!
