My first CCB - THE first CCB was crazy. I had no idea what to expect, neither did they (the rest of the students and the event organisers) to be honest. Some concepts have stuck around and some have been put in the third draw down to be used again at a later date.
By the end of my first CCB, EVERYTHING hurt, my core hurt, it was over being engaged, my right thigh hurt, it turns out to be the dipping leg, I had learned phrases like "clam clamp" and "room for Jesus" and to be honest, I actually felt overwhelmed all together. All these people were moving to the music, with their eyes closed, and their superman posture on, the girls looked light as air and the boys just looked nonchalant.
By the time the second year rolled round I felt like I should have been better prepared, like I had a whole year to practice, but did I? NO.. Once again my workshop expectation fear kicked in, and I froze up. I don't think I got as tired, and I don't think I got too stressed out, but I also don't know how much I took away from that weekend because if you asked me to show you one thing, just one thing, I would fall down failing.
This year though (I missed last year) just sorta had a different outlook on life, heaps of classes to choose from, different subject matter in each, heaps of new people, but the comfort of some of my favorite teachers!
The approach to blues dancing this year was super relaxed (yay who needs to work hard at playing fun?). Pretty much learned the basic concepts just from walking around! Josh and Noni just have a way with words, a real warmth to give to the class, and by the end of the first session, everyone I spoke to, and eavesdropped on, felt like they "got it", and the good vibes kept on going all throughout the weekend!
Unlike in previous years I did not stress to get to the classes before the night time activities, of the whole weekend, these classes were the classes I enjoyed the least, maybe because I need longer to learn (15 mins per session is not long), maybe its because I always took so long to get ready, maybe it was because I had learned so much all day, I just wanted to cut foot loose already!
To be honest, I think it was the hip hop classes that I really got a kick out of, I felt super challenged but so did everyone else. I would never give up swing but if I could find a place to teach me some more hip hop, I would do it in a heart beat.
Judging on how much improvement has been made on event organisation and teaching methods in only 4 short years, I can only strongly advise EVERYONE to get along to the next CCB. CHURCH CITY BLUES 2010 OCT 15-17 Registrations open June 1st 2010 !!!!
Due to various reasons (including venue size and the fact that we want it to be an intimate & boutique event) we only have 150 peeps at CCB.
Even if blues is not your thing, you never know, hip hop might be a new love for you, and besides, really for most of the time there is just this over arching "blindy" umbrella where you get to use the concepts from both, in both, to create your own thing.
Till next CCB, you gotta make it along to as many Kara classes as possible. I did not go to hers at CCB, figured no doubt I would get to learn in a more intimate environment back here in hobs with my peeps. The next class is in two weeks at the central bar and cafe - check your newsletter for details!!
PS - below is a blast from the past Kara, Dan and I made it over to the first ccb, stayed in a house that belonged to this guy called "pirate pete" and had the after party at our pad.. i wanna say it was rock and roll, but was more like rhythm and blues!

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