I am not against china, I am for Tibet
Mr Dalai Lama
How true this rings for just about everything in my life at the moment. I have a feeling that whilst this year is going to be full of great things, good times and adventure, my real manta will be “I am not against China, I am for Tibet”
Primarily at the moment, I can apply this mantra to my current teaching situation. Having for quite some time struggled with working for Tasswing, time and patience prevailed when Kara and Helen announced they are launching a new (swing) dance school in hobart. Much to my joy I have been invited to teach for FootNotes, but it has surprised no one more than myself to realise, I’m not against Tasswing, I am for footnotes.
It is no secret that I have been known for my spite and malice over the years, and I thought this would be the one time I could revel in announcement of moving to greener pastures, but in a moment of clarity it dawned on me that we are all to a certain degree responsible for our successes and failures and we are all most certainly responsible for how we handle ourselves in the mist of both jubilation and despair. To this end, I ever so desperately want the success of FootNotes, and my career there to be successful on its own merit, and not due to the potential demise of TasSwing just as desire for their success to be their own, and not at the demise of mine.
I am no longer privy to the goings on over at TasSwing, but I can say that Tibet seem to be making sure that their government and structures are strong and their people are happy - that's priority number one. Things like foot binding in regional China aren't something they or I need to worry about, which to be honest, I a real relief.
Anyway, really I guess I just want to convey that I am so excited and looking forward to this year, looking forward to challenges, rewards and successes, be that though dancing, at work or at home, and my biggest wish is that my successes are not at the detriment of others, that my rewards are heart felt when given and received and that my challenges while daunting, will be focus of my attention until they are conquered and then onward and upward again.
ps - for more details on the launch of FootNotes - stay tuned for the next blog, check out http://www.face book.com/event. php?eid=1739733 35975135&ref=ts
or contact info@footnotesd