Ok ladies, first things first, lemme tell you my biggest fashion secret to date (oh man, there goes my reputation). I used to be a G girl all the way, worked wearing one, slept wearing one, danced wearing one (constantly feared the thought of getting dipped in one) but a recent purchase of what I like to call "Mad Men Panties" has revolutionized my entire life. For $9.99 at one of the larger clothing chains, I purchased myself a FIVE pack of black, high wasted 100% cotton panties! The leg of the panties goes under my apple bottom (no need to get cheeky) and the waste sits just on my belly button. Do you know how many sins these little gems cover? They make me feel like a vintage doll! You dont see any G bangers in your 1942 womens weekly do you??

You cant wear them with your hipster jeans, but you can wear them under your high wasted pencil skirts, and on occasion I have been known to do the dishes in them, well black panties and an apron, it is the house wifes uniform after all!
Whilst lounging about in my Mad Men Panties, I also like to paint my nails. To achieve ultimate shine and application its all about preparation ladies!! Invest in a buffer and some nail scissors, honestly, how could you have made it this far without them?! Buffing the ridges out of your nails not only means a smooth and long lasting nail polish application, it is also a cheat I use when running short of time to give the look of gleaming clear lacquer without any of the drying time! Start by using the rough side of the buffer to work away the larger ridges (pay attention to this bit, they look so care free in the old movies but they were only acting!!) The second side of the buffer is a mid level buff, once you've taken away the deep groves, this buffer gets the surface flat and even, again, pay attention here or you will buff your nail all the way off!! NOW comes the fun bit, its time to POLISH your nail with the smooth side of the buffer. If you have done the first two stages properly, this stage should not take long at all, withing seconds you have a "smooth as glass" finish on your nails that you can either paint in your favorite color or simply protect with clear. Like I said, if you are pushed for time, you can leave your nude nails to shine, and just touch up with the smooth buffer every few days. (Don't forget, this is not just for your hands, your feet need some loving too!)

Ok so now we have glamorous nails, mad men panties and we are nearly there. So far we have invested probably about $25.00 into ourselves and we should be feeling pretty pleased!

If you really want to put some icing on the cake, I suggest you part your fringe on the other side of your head. If you usually part your hair to the left, go for the right and vice versa, you can even experiment with straight back or a cute little lady quiff. Changing your fringe kinda makes you your own evil twin sister! Is she naughty? Or is she nice? You get to decide!! People will know you have done "something different" but might not be able to tell exactly what, but they will keep on looking at your face (especially your eyes) for clues, and you my dear can choose to tell them what ever you want. Changing the part of your fringe is FREE however, don't feel bad about splurging on some new hair clips to keep it all in place, some new ear rings to show off and some length creating mascara.. Girls, for less than fifty clams, you can look and feel amazing, then when someone else buys you a drink, you have pretty much MADE money by trying out these little tips!
PS - check it out JOAN IS BIG PANTIES