Its not often I'm cool with announcing publicly that I somehow managed to grind the skin of my boyfriends face, WITH MY INNER THIGHS, but today, I feel its ok.
A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to attend a Shob and Andy weekend of workshops, although they were all fun, the aerials workshop was by far the most grueling and rewarding (what am I talking about? I still have all my face skin!!).
Its hard to explain and I have had no luck finding a youtube clip, but essentially what happens is the follow starts on right hand side of her partner and ends up wrapping her right inner thigh onto her leads face, while she hooks her knee pit around his neck. Then with a vigorous swoosh she throws her arms around in a big circle, while her head hurtles toward the floor, in a moment of delight and confusion, her head comes back up, but now somehow she is behind her partner, and ends up with her feet on the floor, bent over his left shoulder in a "somersault" position.
Now if all goes according to plan, no one gets hurt (massive kudos to our spotters!!), but occasionally things like me gripping onto Kyles neck as I'm trying to spin around him, makes it hard for him to really get into anything that resembles a somersault position, due to the fact that I have forced his head to be at my knee height by the end of the whole move.
Also, we found that if one was to grip, just a little too much in the entry and execution, one of us might end up with his face skin missing. Apparently a few guys had rub burn on their ears!! As any good dancer knows, this is because the leads were not doing something right, clearly!! Had nothing to do with my vice like thighs clamping onto kyles neck and face for fear of cracking my head on the ground below!!
Anyway, as they say, practice makes perfect, and the social dance floor is not the time to practice aerials, so if you are up for a Sunday practice session in the park over summer, let me know! Otherwise see you at the Christmas party tonight!!!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Jack and Jill went up the Hill
I love teaching - I really do - but its usually at the TasSwing Christmas party that I get a little bit annoyed and wish for just one night - I was "normal". The sole reason for feeling this way, is the Jack and Jill competition.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with how the Jack and Jill works, it is as follows. A certain number of leads line up, and certain number of follows line up opposite them. Then our dice monkey rolls the dice and follows move along (say if the dice landed on 3, follows would move along three leads). Then the dancing begins. This means you dont know who you will be dancing with, you dont know what song you will be dancing to, but you do know, all eyes will be watching the dance floor.
The aim of the game is to prove yourself to be the best lead, or the best follow, this is done through a number elimination rounds and maximum amounts of showing off of your wikid dance skillz.
Im not gonna lie to you, at first it seems really daunting, but believe me, it is well worth the experience and there are a few things that will help you get the jump on your competition.
Ok sure, you watched that youtube clip of that crazy aerial that must be easier than it looks - DO NOT TRY IT HERE. Even the most experienced dancer should be warned against busting out arials on the Jack and Jill dance floor (any social dance floor for that matter).
Dont try to force your partner into a series of complicated spins, moves and tricks, sure by all means test out a few, but dont forget, a brilliant basic, with a beaming smile is worth more to your dance than a frown and a multitude of f*ups.
Dont be down on the girl who has only been dancing for four days and who has bravely agreed to go into the Jack and Jill. The golden rule of dancing is to make your follow look good, and this means leading clear moves with determination, not giving up and leading like a fish then being grumpy at your gal.
JUST SMILE! Ok its a bit more complicated than that, but keep in mind, your lead is out there trying to make you look good so damn it - SHINE!! No matter what moves are thrown at you, or what leads you dont pick up on, no one will know if you smile through it (even giggle if you wanna!!)
Remember everything we taught you about dips. A great dance can come undone by throwing your head at the floor. Try to keep your chin above your belly button, your head forward of your bottom and your chin up (these rules apply even if you have been flipped over and you are hanging upside down!!)
Thank your lead for the dance, even though you are in a Jack and Jill competition, thanking your lead is a good sign of grace. Even though its a competition, the most important part is that all contenders have a great time, so make sure you remember your manners (even if he treads on your feet!!).
Remember its all a bit of good old fashioned fun - ham it up and go for gold!!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
a cup of light stalking anyone?
What is the difference between being a dead keen dancer, and the executor of mild stalking? Great Question!
I find that the difference is in both the delivery of the asking for a dance and in way a rejection is handled. Below is a quiz you may find helpful.
Doing the asking (how to tell how much of a stalker you are)
1 - you have been social dancing all year, you have your favorite songs to dance to, and usually a particular partner to dance to that song with. You hear your song come on and look frantically to see your destined dance partner already dancing with someone else. Do you
a) walk up to the guy you wanted to dance with, scream at his partner to rack off because this is "your song, you always dance with this guy to THIS song" (you may or may not also stab her with your hidden dagger pen).
b) grab the nearest guy, girl, pole and try to outdance your competition, complete with dips, matching smiles and mind blowing jumps.
c) casually dance with whoever is around, but then very coldly reject they guy you wanted to dance with when he asks you for the next one, he had his chance and now he is dead to you
d) understand that whilst it would have been a blast to dance with that guy to that song, you'll grab the next one and have a blast with who ever you are dancing with!
2 - You ask a guy to dance and he politely declines, telling you he has to take a break and freshen up but will come find you soon. Do you
a) accuse him loudly of being a snob and not wanting to dance with you, wildly claim that he NEVER wants to dance with you and somehow expect this behavior to change his mind and accept a dance with you
b) whip out the baby wipe you have stuffed down your bra and mop his brow, explaining that now he is fresh he can have this dance with you, and also the next one cos he will now be fresh enough to dance all night
c) suspect he is blowing you off so you follow him to the mens room and patiently wait for him outside until he comes out. You note loudly that he is still wearing the same shirt he was wearing and that he does not look that refreshed but conclude he should dance with you anyway
d) let him know to come find you, and then grab the next guy who comes along and have a great dance with him.
You have asked a guy to dance a few times tonight and he has either been committed to another girl, been on his way to freshen up, or is plumb tuckered out. You ask one last time and he declines. Do you
a) throw a loud tantrum and accuse him of being rude, sashay off and tell all the girls about how rude he is and how he has rejected you all night. You make all your girlfriends pinkey promise to hate him forever and spread rumors that he picks his nose.
b) get out your note pad and reel off to him all the excuses he has ever given you over the past two years, giving each excuse its own interpretation of his voice, each one getting more and more whiny. When you get to the last excuse you vehemently claim that you didn't even want to dance with him anyway, you just felt sorry for him having a face like the one he has.
c) accuse him of ruining your night, you have rejected everyone elses offer for a dance because you thought he was going to ask you for one and you didn't want to be busy. Now he owes you TEN dances to make up for what he has done and you insist on claiming the first one then and there and continue to dance with him until his debt has been paid back.
d) accept that one of two things is happening, this guy is trying to let you down gently because he does not want to dance with you, or he is actually having a really busy night! Either way, there are loads of other people to dance with and you continue with your great night.
If you answered a, b or c to any of the above questions you are human, you are in the throes of swing passion and let me tell you, we have all been there (head full of bad memories, heart full of regret), but the key is to try to aim for d - the sane, grown up approach to having a great social dancing experience. Sometimes its really hard to not feel personally attacked or rejected, sometimes you feel like you deserve a dance from someone and if you don't get it, it can be down right upsetting, but remember while you are running rings around some guy, begging for a dance and getting mad when you don't get what you want, there is a guy out there, trying to catch you for a dance, its a vicious cycle!!
There is nothing wrong with asking someone to dance, and sometimes you have to ask a few times before you get a yes, and sometimes you ask a few times and still don't get that dance, but remember, no dance is better than a restraining order, so enjoy your evening and circulate the room, you never know who is midly stalking you!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
goings on
Oh MAN, this time of year is so much fun but oh so busy! Ive not blogged forever and some of my excuses include
* Buying frocks at the Vintage Fair
* Meeting two new wedding couples and teaching them their wedding dance
* Teaching some dear friends of mine their wedding dance
* Private lessons, private lessons, private lessons
* Attending cooking classes at the Wursthaus Kitchen Salamanca
* Celbrating the Birthday
* A feeding frenzy at Montys
* Loving my new Ice Blue Kitchenaid
The dancing amongst it all has taken a little bit of a back burner but it has been so nice to fill up the evenings with fine food, fine wine and friends!
We are all gearing up for the upcoming ball, and although classes will conclude mid December and resume again in Feb (dates to be confirmed), I cant see any sign of my calendar freeing up for a while!
The Vintage Fair was held at the Masonic hall the weekend everyone was away at CCB. Armed with my measurments and a measuring tape, I pawed through many a beautiful vintage frock. My number one tip is to wear a knee lenght slip, this way if there are no change rooms (or the one they have is constantly occupied) you can always just find a corner, and do a subtle try on without drawing too much attention to yourself. I managed to walk away with an original 1950s frock, lemon yellow and perfect for Pimms coctails on the balcony over summer!
The wedding classes have really picked up, with the requests getting wilder and wilder every new summer. Non swing songs are always a challenge, but have all worked out, and I'm finding it easier and easier to help get everyone ready for their big day! Red Hot Tip for those thinking of a wedding dance: Choose a short song!
I fell in love with the kitchen at the Wursthaus, it was a smaller and more intimate affair compared to the Agrarian Kitchen although I would recommend ANYONE go to either. I'm not sure what classes they will be running over the summer months, but I'm hoping to be at all of them! A whole new world of flavors and techniques have been introduced to my own kitchen recently as a result of the cooking classes I have been doing, and I must say, I have enjoyed being a wide eyed student for a little while!
Dinner, celebrations and the Kitchenaid are all for my birthday. Montys is my most favorite restaurant. They know us so well, and are always so accommodation. Don't be scared to sit down to a kilo of mussels and a gin and tonic to start your evening (that's right before you even look at entree). I have my favorite items on the menu but also like to try something that I know I could never attempt to recreate at home (I try making the mussels every few weeks at home but still like theirs more!!). If you only go out to dinner once in one year, this is the place you want to go to - pretty sure I'll say yes if you feel like inviting me too!!
Celebrations deserve a post of their own, but the best night of night was had, with the perfect venue taking care of all of my party decorating problems! The Ivory Lounge with its lush velvet chaise lounges and low lighting created the perfect atmosphere for a sophisticated evening of cocktail and cucumber sandwiches. Stay tuned for a more detailed post soon!
This blog may soon turn into part dancing - part gossip from my life - part details of juicy love affair with my Kitchenaid. The retro Ice Blue is perfect for my kitchen, matches my apron, looks great on the bench and has already made my life easier! Poor friends and family will soon be bombarded with home made cakes and pasta dough, cookies and home made sausages (that's right!! you can do that!!). Im already dreaming of some time off over Christmas to put on some smooth tunes, and get my "Sally Home Maker" on followed by previously mentioned Pimms cocktails and dinner parties.
* Buying frocks at the Vintage Fair
* Meeting two new wedding couples and teaching them their wedding dance
* Teaching some dear friends of mine their wedding dance
* Private lessons, private lessons, private lessons
* Attending cooking classes at the Wursthaus Kitchen Salamanca
* Celbrating the Birthday

* Loving my new Ice Blue Kitchenaid
The dancing amongst it all has taken a little bit of a back burner but it has been so nice to fill up the evenings with fine food, fine wine and friends!
We are all gearing up for the upcoming ball, and although classes will conclude mid December and resume again in Feb (dates to be confirmed), I cant see any sign of my calendar freeing up for a while!
The Vintage Fair was held at the Masonic hall the weekend everyone was away at CCB. Armed with my measurments and a measuring tape, I pawed through many a beautiful vintage frock. My number one tip is to wear a knee lenght slip, this way if there are no change rooms (or the one they have is constantly occupied) you can always just find a corner, and do a subtle try on without drawing too much attention to yourself. I managed to walk away with an original 1950s frock, lemon yellow and perfect for Pimms coctails on the balcony over summer!
The wedding classes have really picked up, with the requests getting wilder and wilder every new summer. Non swing songs are always a challenge, but have all worked out, and I'm finding it easier and easier to help get everyone ready for their big day! Red Hot Tip for those thinking of a wedding dance: Choose a short song!
I fell in love with the kitchen at the Wursthaus, it was a smaller and more intimate affair compared to the Agrarian Kitchen although I would recommend ANYONE go to either. I'm not sure what classes they will be running over the summer months, but I'm hoping to be at all of them! A whole new world of flavors and techniques have been introduced to my own kitchen recently as a result of the cooking classes I have been doing, and I must say, I have enjoyed being a wide eyed student for a little while!

Celebrations deserve a post of their own, but the best night of night was had, with the perfect venue taking care of all of my party decorating problems! The Ivory Lounge with its lush velvet chaise lounges and low lighting created the perfect atmosphere for a sophisticated evening of cocktail and cucumber sandwiches. Stay tuned for a more detailed post soon!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
While The Cats Away - The Mice Will Play
It turns out due to some fancy pants blues event in Adelaide, I will soon have a weekend free for secret lady luxuries, like baking cookies, eyelash curling and PRIVATE DANCE LESSONS.
The wedding season has begun so time slots are filling up nicely - but if you are keen for a private lesson on the weekend of 16/17th October, send an email to to book a time.
Classes will be at my place, and every student will also get to sample said baking (if its too warm, lets go with home made lemonade!!).
I look forward to seeing you soon!
The wedding season has begun so time slots are filling up nicely - but if you are keen for a private lesson on the weekend of 16/17th October, send an email to to book a time.
Classes will be at my place, and every student will also get to sample said baking (if its too warm, lets go with home made lemonade!!).
I look forward to seeing you soon!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
The highs and the lows
Why do people come to their first swing dancing lesson? Why do they come back for more? Why do they suddenly stop coming and become ghosts of "the old days"?
For some its easy to see, they are being dragged along by their significant other, usually an enthusiastic girl, dragging along a less than willing but has no choice guy - and low and behold - some of these guys are actually good! Its not often that I see it the other way round, some poor shy reluctant girl, getting bullied onto the dance floor by her super keen boyfriend, but it does happen every now and then!
Sometimes its a case of a few gals getting together just to try something new, have a little bit of fun, get out and about for a wed night. After the beginner warm up - everyone cancels their gym membership and discover that dancing yourself thin is the new black!
For others it seems (and this for me it appears to be something of a recent turn of events), there is a desire to approach this dance as a competitive sport. Learn fast, dance faster. Ask all the questions, do all the workshops, have all the private lessons and BE THE BEST at swing dancing and like the karate kid, practice the discipline day in and day out. Often in front of a mirror, otherwise anywhere with a floor, regardless of the music, crowd, or appropriateness of doing a swing out into a crowded dining room of sedate retirees, trying to enjoy their meals. These dancers seem to either stick around for the long haul, getting better and better at their art, or, they burn out in usually around 18 months.
The burn out blame is usually deflected. I don't think I have ever heard "well, im just not that into dancing any more". Its usually a case of "I have nothing else to learn, so I'm not going to come to classes any more" or "I don't have anyone to dance with, no one is good enough for me so I'm just not going to bother." Both reasons are heart breaking to hear, and result in people fading out of the scene for ever.
The reality is, if you don't come to class and if you don't social dance, you get forgotten about pretty quickly, especially if you burn all of your bridges along the way. No teacher ever likes to hear they have been out grown (the words "those who can do, those who cant teach" haunt my dreams), and no dancer ever likes to find out they were not good enough, and the irony is, you would never ever hear any of the "best" dancers make either of those claims.
Ive said it before and I will say it again, everyone can always learn from any class, be it a level "too high" for you or a level "too low" for you. You might not learn new moves in a beginners class, you might not learn a new way of doing your foot work, or even hear a new joke, but you should feel as though you can take something away.
A great dancer and good friend once said to me, "the great dancers make me feel amazing, I dont even have to lead them, I just hold their hand and they seem to float on air. The beginers students make me work hard for my money. I have to actually lead every move, think about every single step that im doing, they are whats made me the dancer that I am today. I love dancing with the great dancers, but when I need a reminder to be humble, I dance with one of your students, and it becomes very clear, that I still don't know everything".
People like my friend, they always find a reason to dance, because they love it, they love knowing that they aren't the best in the world (but also love not sucking at it), they love the music, the lessons, the other dancers, they highs and the lows.
Friday, September 3, 2010
cut foot loose
You know how people say their life flashes in front of them when they die - well I wish this clip was memories from my own life. Ultimately I don't want for much, I want to be able to walk in slow motion, with awesome wicked hair being all flirty in the breeze, I want a sound track to my life that plays when I walk into a room, and I want my life to have been this clip.
For those of you who do the Beginers class warm up - prepare yourselves - I have been inspired.
I'm off home to practice my flash dance moves, and write a thank you note to Kenny Loggins!
You know how people say their life flashes in front of them when they die - well I wish this clip was memories from my own life. Ultimately I don't want for much, I want to be able to walk in slow motion, with awesome wicked hair being all flirty in the breeze, I want a sound track to my life that plays when I walk into a room, and I want my life to have been this clip.
For those of you who do the Beginers class warm up - prepare yourselves - I have been inspired.
I'm off home to practice my flash dance moves, and write a thank you note to Kenny Loggins!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Welcome Home!
It has taken so long! so long but finally it happened - as Kyle picked me up and carried me over the threshold of our new home, it all became so very real and it smelt like manfume and new house (ok the manfume was Kyle).
A new house only has its new house smell for a very limited time, before you know it your old couch brings its personality to the air, a fresh cup of coffee is brewed, hair spray and perfume wafts about the place and suddenly, it smells like home, and not like a new house any more.
I stood in my new lounge room and I took a deep breath, in through the nose, out through the mouth, and repeat. I wanted to keep that new house smell in for as long as I could, lets face it, its going to be a while before that happens again. This house only just had its finishing touches put on it a few months ago, its not been lived in before! No one else has burnt their dinner in that house, no one else has left a half eaten potato cake on the bench after a late night out, never before had the air in there been decorated with fresh linen or dirty socks!
We still have not settled in properly, at the moment it feels like we are staying in a really nice hotel, and living out of suitcases, but finally we are no longer at the mercy of a land lord and their endless inspections, open homes and surprise pop ins.
There is no white carpet to fear red wine spillage, polished concrete is the most convenient floor I have found so far. There are many many spaces to hang pictures up on the wall, and there is a garden that we can finally love because we know we wont have to hand it back in a year.
But best of all, we moved house and did not kill each other. We tied down tarp to a trailer in the middle of Hobart August winds and rain, we worked till late and we worked hungry, we negotiated parents being "helpful" and neighbors being nosy and moved house in 48hrs!
Im sure there will be some sort of house warming soon, but this weekend is unpacking and putting everything away. After a week of take away I'm dying to just cook some real food (gas cook top), pop on some slippers and just enjoy the new home!
Pic is view from the bed, don't think i will get sick of it for a while!
Pic is view from the bed, don't think i will get sick of it for a while!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Tell me lies - tell me sweet little lies..
Righto - Turns out there have been some fibs that have been told, and im here to expose the truth! When I first started to learn to blues dance, I was told:
1 - Its easy, its just like walking
2 - its NOT a spectator sport, its all about dancing with your partner
3 - Its sexy
If blues dancing was easy and just like walking, the level one blues class this month would not be as popular as it is. If blues dancing was just like walking, I've been walking wrong for my whole life and heck if it were easy, why does everyone have their "concentrating like I have to do a poo" face on in the middle of class (yes I see all when perched at the door..). I have never seen so many open mouths and deep forehead furrows as I have in this class, then again, I dont think I have ever seen as many "yay" moments either so you gotta take the wins with you!
If blues is not a spectator sport then why the heck am I so mesmerized by everyone bottoms? I could not look away, it was a deep sea of wiggles and wobbles and hips doing their thing. Lord if I knew so many boys could move like that, I would have had a boylesque troupe and stopped messing around with princesses!! (actually, the offer is still on the table guys!!). I get it, when its done right you should feel like youre the only girl in the room, like he is dancing with you and it does not matter who is watching - but lets face it, if we did not love attention, we would not be learning to dance, and we would not be learning to do that stuff with our hips that you were learning last night! Do it and be proud, if there is one thing gravity will take care of for you its momentum, the corner stone of all our dancing esp blues, so don't fight it, throw your hands up and give into it and be proud!
This brings me to my final point. I hear a lot that the popular opinion is that blues dancing is sexy, that its dirty sexy fun and it should be done when the lights are low and the blood is hot.. Just think about that for one second, because I have felt this way before, I'm not gonna lie to you.. I think we have all been there, but think of it this way. If you think of blues as the sex of dancing, you are sexing on husbands, fathers, boyfriends (MY boyfriend), girlfriends, mums, you see where I'm going with this.. I'm not denying that it should feel good, but it should not feel that good in that special way.. If you would be mad to see your parner do it in club with some hot young stranger, dont do it in your blues dancing!
I think if anything, everyone is learning to love moving to blues music, learning skills you can take with you through your lindy, I'm pretty excited to be at this years TasSwing Ball because I honestly believe after a few months of blues classes, you will see an improvement across the board in all of your dancing, and will finally be able to do those funky moves that you see Kara and Mr Quinn bust out all the time!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Angry Cats and Clamped Clams
Oh man, last night blues class was like watching myself on a first date (ok more like first sleep over). Feeling all awkward, not really knowing where everything goes, being all serious about something that is ultimately a lot of fun, can feel really great, and to be honest is usually more fun with its crazy and not at all candle lit sexy - yeah, we are still talking about blues dancing.
I remember a few years ago when I was on my first encounter with blues, well blues and I had been flirting, we had been giving each other that look, you know the one girls, I like to call it "sparkle eyes", blues had been hanging out with other girls, making me dead keen to get in on the action (oh dancing, treat em mean and keep them keen eh?), im not gonna lie to yo, I was gaggin for it! But it made me try too hard..
I threw myself at blues, thighs first, and clung onto it like an angry cat, ordinary fairly cute but then possessed! I look back with a slight sick feeling when I think of how hard I tried to RELAX, the poor boys I must have violated, hell, the poor girls I must have violated.. Im blushing!
Its soo embarrassing to think back to a few years ago, when at CCB we (not just me!!) were issued with orders such as "no clam clamping" and leads complained of "heavy beavers".. Ill explain both when you are all 21! Lets just say, we should always leave room for cheesus...
For those of you who have tried blues without instruction, it may have felt like a whole heap of fumbling round in the dark with no real great outcome other than a polite thanks from the girl you were dancing with or a sheepish I'm sorry for the guy who you were swaying with, its time to think of Kara as your blues dancing Cosmo. She will show you all the moves, come to class and take the quiz.. "what does it mean when he tells me to relax" and find that inner blues beast that has been waiting for just the right song forever!!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Oh Bob, you are so beautiful

I have spend hours up on hours trying to make my finger waves work, sometimes it is win, sometimes it is fail, never before have I thought to look toward Bob for inspiration! Well played good sir, well played!
Even as a mature gentleman, Mr Hawke has continued to pay attention to those lush locks of hair, the poor guy, he must sleep standing up so as to make sure not a single wave is crushed, THAT is dedication - THAT is why he was such a good leader, he knew what commitment meant, and by god, he looked good having it!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Do you dance like a fool at home?
What makes someone a good swing dancer? Is it knowing a lot of moves? Is it having devastatingly good looks? Is it having great connection? Maybe its pulse?
A good dancer stops thinking of the grand moves, stops relying on brute force and starts actually enjoying whats going on, listening to the music, and moving to the swing.
In your beginner days, you listened to ME!! Oh how I yell in those classes, I tell you when to rock back, I tell you when to send your partner out, when to come back in, hell if I could tell you when to breathe I would (hang on, there have been classes where I have done that!!).
As time goes on, you start to listen less to the yelling, and start to listen to your own thoughts, you start to see how the pieces fit together, and for a while, you think you are dancing. You look good, it feels pretty good.. little do you know, its like wearing tight pants after dinner, sure you look good, they are doing their job, but when you take them off and flop on the couch, its only then you realise how comfy you can be..
If you have had this moment, this blinding light bulb moment, I encourage you to share with your fellow dancers, Shan last night told me that she finally feels like she is dancing when leading Bal. Shan has followed bal forever, and has been leading it for a little while, but finally, she feels like she is dancing when she is leading, and it feels good.
It does not happen straight away, and sometimes we want it to happen so badly that we try to rush it but like being thirteen and waiting for our boobs to grow, your bra stuffing eventually gets found out, so relax and let the music carry you away!
If you are in a place where you are still waiting to feel like you are dancing, try shaking it up a little, come back to beginners or level one. When you lead or be led by a dancer that is at a level "below" you, its much easier to see where your strengths are, where you weaknesses are, and what you are completely awesome at. By the same token, ask someone beyond you for a dance, sometimes their feeling of dancing rubs off on you, and it can be completely inspirational.
Friday, July 2, 2010
LADIES This one is for YOU
Ok - let me just say - I have been a size 6 and loved it, I have been a size 14 and not loved it quite as much, but if you know me, you know that whatever size I am, I'm buying too many clothes to wear! At the moment I have accepted the fact that im sitting around about at 10-12 AND according to the wii fit im 20kg over weight but.. well to be honest, im pretty happy where I am.. so.. I can not hoard all of my little size six and eight clothes forever, there is some really cute stuff that I just dont think Im going to fit into ever again. Dont get me wrong I have donated a whole heap to charity, but what is left now is stuff that I feel needs to go to a good home, and perhaps I might get a few coins for!!
For an inspection of Relle's ladies room and all she has to sell please email me or leave a comment on the blog, it looks like I will be a home owner soon so now is the time to lighten the load (kyle will thank you). Quite literally first in BEST DRESSED!
PS - items up for grabs include entire work suits, burlesque costumes, general costumes and a whole heap of everything else!
For an inspection of Relle's ladies room and all she has to sell please email me or leave a comment on the blog, it looks like I will be a home owner soon so now is the time to lighten the load (kyle will thank you). Quite literally first in BEST DRESSED!
PS - items up for grabs include entire work suits, burlesque costumes, general costumes and a whole heap of everything else!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Good Things Happen
Ok so this story is going to start of sounding like im pretty up myself, but there is a moral to the story I promise!

I was pleasantly surprised, instead I had been approached by a complete stranger who was about to make my day. "Let me just say, your hair is amazing, really beautiful, I hope that does not sound strange, but I just had to tell you". OMG!
I have to admit, I was not expecting such a compliment, but I did manage an earnest "Thank you", and my world famous blush (if you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about!). And like that, my mystery giver of compliments was gone, but the feeling of pride lasted with me ALL DAY.
This lady could have easily walked past me and later told a friend about a girl she saw with great hair, she could have easily given me a crazy look to try to convey "great hair", but she took a leap of faith and actually gave me a compliment, and having done the same thing myself a few times, I can honestly say, its not as easy as you might think.
Its actually quite scary to approach a stranger and offer a compliment, how odd is that, shouldn't it be easy? I mean I understand why it would be weird to walk up to someone and say "oh boy, you are ugly", but why is it so hard to offer a compliment?

So the moral of the story is this: TRY IT. I think that the feeling that you will get from offering a compliment, is as good as the feeling the reciever will have! You get to feel proud that you found your voice, and that you have made someones day, and they get to feel great about that scary new hair do, or new pair of shoes, or great tie. Of course all compliments have to be genuine, but when you see a chance to give one, take it!!
As for trying out your new red lipstick, or upsweep, or handsome slacks, the more you do it, the easier it is! I now have a range of vintage dos that I wear to work and now I cant believe I ever used to rock up just with boring hair!
Whether giving a compliment, or dressing to recieve one, do it with confidence and you will be fine!!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
At It AGAIN - come see Relle and Em back on the V V X
OKOK - we are not on the poster - we are a mystery guest addition! Em is back from China, my new 32 boned torture device arrived in the mail and we are ready to steam it up for you!!! Put it in your diary, and buy a ticket today!! Remember, get to where you want to go with the Vaudeville Vixen Express !
Sigh Another Rant - why so angry Relle?
I don't blame some guys for not being gentlemen, I do not blame them at ALL! Today in a disappointing show of uberfemo-nazi rage I witnessed a woman berating a man for opening a door for her. I saw them both walk toward the shop front, he picked up speed (I assume to beat her to the door to assist in the gentlemanly act of opening it for her), once she saw him pick up his speed she matched him and then some! To be honest I think she got there just before he did and she reached to push the door, so he sorta reached over her head (being taller of the two) and assisted with keeping the door open. THAT'S WHEN THE GRUMPING STARTED!
First she turned to him and instead of a smile or a thank you, she asked him "don't you think i can open a door myself?", without waiting for a reply she continued "It is men like you, who keep women down!" WTF?!?!
He seemed to be murmuring an apology, and let go of the door he was holding open. In my opinion sweet victory followed when the door closed on the woman, pinning her half inside, half out! Apparently she could open the door but not keep it open long enough to pass through the door way whist yelling at random people!
Of course this meant he was "bashing" this lady, using brutish violence in retaliation to being told off, anyone could see plain as day that this guy was really sorry that he bothered, and that under no circumstances could he have slammed the door on this lady, nor did he seem to have any intention to fight back. I think he just wanted to walk away WHEN SHE CHASED HIM DOWN, and started with the yelling again.
I don't really know how it escalated so quickly but within minutes there were threats against this guy, accusations of brutality and immorality, then in an odd change of tactic, she accused this guy of lusting after her, apparently in all the fluster he must have lowered his eyes (a common trick to make yourself seem submissive - never do this with children, they will hold it over you forever!), and she saw that as him lowering his eyes to her distractingly unsupported bosom!
More than anything I wanted to somehow save this guy - but I knew any attempt would be futile, I have seen similar displays of femo-nazi rage before, and NO ONE IS SAFE!.
I just think its sad that this guy might not ever try to open a door for anyone ever again and for all he knows the next time he is in a similar situation he will be met with a tirade of abuse for NOT opening a door!
I guess there are no real rules here any more, generally if I get to the door first, I open it for whoever else is there, man, woman or child (always do it for a woman carrying a child - I don't care if it means you get yelled at!), but to be honest I usually to the door dance!
The door dance requires you to read body language and project your own clearly, its that moment in time when he is near the door, and you linger back just for a second, its up to us these days to say "yes please, I would like you to open this door for me", and if someone is kind enough to oblige, you must say thank you, or smile with your whole face (not just a tight lipped pretend thank you!!). If there is confusion in the dance we must resist a huffy attempt at opening the door for him (he is probably the guy that got yelled at earlier!!)
I know that when I'm with my girlfriends, I tend to want to be the one to open doors, and I like to be the one to pretend to be all strong and tough in a crowd, but its no secret that I'm a firm believer that if a guy wants to be a gentlemen, then so be it!
I fear the day that no one wants to open a door for anyone, no one wants to offer to pay for this date or this drink and pretend like I'll get the next one. I fear the day that one day we will forget to stand up when a lady joins the table, that we will forget to wait until our friends are safely inside their house before driving off.
Most of all I fear that being a lady, and wanting to look nice, and wanting someone to order my dinner for me, and wanting someone to offer me his jacket when it is cold will one day be a social crime. That it will be wrong to hold a door open, wrong to offer assistance, and wrong to compliment someone on looking nice.
If that day ever comes, I rely on you all to rise up with me and start the new revolution! Women we shall apply our anger red lipstick, gentlemen, well I guess you will just have to be agreeable with whatever master plan we come up with, because hell hath no fury, like a femo-nazi scorned!!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Excuse me dear - but it appears to be snowing
I remember standing at the bus stop - in the throws of a dark cold winter, wrapped layer upon layer like a little woolen strudel, when an immaculately dressed elderly lady shuffled close to me and whispered in my ear "Excuse me dear, but it appears to be snowing".
I looked about with wild wonder, only to be bitterly disappointed. Rain, yes. Sleet, maybe. Snow... no where to be seen. I smiled awkwardly at the old lady and just nodded a little.. again she whispered to me "Dear, it appears to be snowing", she then gave me a long look from my eyes, all the way to my hem line, where her gaze lingered a little to long!! The bus was pulling up, and I was still confounded until I saw it, the lace on my slip, it was black with a white/cream speckle through it! I adjusted my skirt and gave the old lady a "knowing look", and she seemed to be satisfied with my actions.
Later that day I relayed the story to my mum who called her mum and yes, it seems that in the charmed olden days, when the hem of a ladies slip fell below the hem of her skirt, one would remark "it appears to be snowing". I have no idea what the secret code would have been in the middle of a hot summer, but am hoping to bring this secret code back into Vogue!!
Perhaps today of all days it might be most timely to work on bringing the code back, as this morning gave us the first snow of the season on our beloved Mt Wellington. The boyfriend was dragged out of bed, the house guest shuffled to the window, the sister we let sleep, she is far taller than I am and I think she could knock me out with her hair.. but the three of us stood at the balcony window, wondering how in just a few short days it has gone from mild to wild in old Hobart town.
This week we have a full house of family and friends staying with us, and I could not be prouder of the weather!!Finally the Le Creuset can once again shine in its glory days of meaty casseroles and syrupy stewed fruit, the daggy but delicious flannelet jimmy jams can be worn with pride, and the ratty old blanket my nan made for me as a child can be pulled out of storage for solo snuggling on the couch. No one will be wanting to drag me outside, I wont feel guilty about mid afternoon weekend naps, and best of all, I pick up the knitting needles again!
I looked about with wild wonder, only to be bitterly disappointed. Rain, yes. Sleet, maybe. Snow... no where to be seen. I smiled awkwardly at the old lady and just nodded a little.. again she whispered to me "Dear, it appears to be snowing", she then gave me a long look from my eyes, all the way to my hem line, where her gaze lingered a little to long!! The bus was pulling up, and I was still confounded until I saw it, the lace on my slip, it was black with a white/cream speckle through it! I adjusted my skirt and gave the old lady a "knowing look", and she seemed to be satisfied with my actions.
Later that day I relayed the story to my mum who called her mum and yes, it seems that in the charmed olden days, when the hem of a ladies slip fell below the hem of her skirt, one would remark "it appears to be snowing". I have no idea what the secret code would have been in the middle of a hot summer, but am hoping to bring this secret code back into Vogue!!
Perhaps today of all days it might be most timely to work on bringing the code back, as this morning gave us the first snow of the season on our beloved Mt Wellington. The boyfriend was dragged out of bed, the house guest shuffled to the window, the sister we let sleep, she is far taller than I am and I think she could knock me out with her hair.. but the three of us stood at the balcony window, wondering how in just a few short days it has gone from mild to wild in old Hobart town.
This week we have a full house of family and friends staying with us, and I could not be prouder of the weather!!Finally the Le Creuset can once again shine in its glory days of meaty casseroles and syrupy stewed fruit, the daggy but delicious flannelet jimmy jams can be worn with pride, and the ratty old blanket my nan made for me as a child can be pulled out of storage for solo snuggling on the couch. No one will be wanting to drag me outside, I wont feel guilty about mid afternoon weekend naps, and best of all, I pick up the knitting needles again!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
how to get goodness in your life before dawn (settle down!)
Response to my comments in my "how rude" blog sparked a flurry of story sharing, maybe I had better balance it out with a nice blog?
The other weekend, when I found myself too awake too early one morning, I snuck outside for one of my many guilty pleasures.
I crept out of bed, put on my beanie and my short jimmy - jam bottoms, unlocked the laundry door and took a deep breath in.
Slowly, slowly I unsteadily pattered down the concrete steps, growing ever more excited about what was about to happen next..
My feet were bare and super sensitive after relaxing for hours in my silky soft sheets, they could not wait to be on top of the cool and damp grass that was yet to be mowed in the back yard. The ground was wet with dew, and colder than I thought it would be, but it was so incredibly refreshing.
At first I felt a little silly walking around in my jammas at some crazy hour of the morning, but I realised, just about everyone else would have been in bed asleep so all I could do was close my eyes and really concentrate on the morning around me.
A couple of birds were awake, dawn had not started when I took my first step outside, but it must not have been far away, the sky was looking clear and calm, and had started to get lighter without really seeing day break yet. I knew it would not be long before the rest of the world would be up and getting on with their lives.. I felt I had not much more time to enjoy this guilty pleasure.
Toward the bottom end of the garden, there is a patch of grass that gets a little muddy, that is where I really wanted to be! Slowly, deliberatly, I made my way across the grass, to where the mud was thick enough to creep between my toes, and to where if I needed to, I could hang onto the fence for support!
I stood on that spot until the mud around my feet had reached my body teperature, when that happens its time to find a new spot to stand on.. but on that day, it signaled time to head back inside, to see what early morning dreams if any, might visit me after my adventure in the yard.
On tip toes till I could make it to the sink, I felt little blops of mud left behind by my big toe and the balls of my feet, on this occasion the mud was already starting to dry and was not as slippy as I had hoped for! With all the flexibility I could muster, I kicked each foot into the sink, one at a time to wash the dirt and dew off with freezing cold water - warm water just seems like cheating for some reason!
Doing a little dance on the bath towel that had been left on the floor from the night before, I did my best to dry off my tootsies before heading back to bed.
As I slid back down between the top sheet and the bottom sheet, I could still smell the outside, I could still feel the cold of the air against my face and the ground against my feet.. Just imagine it - I can tell you're smiling! Even in the middle of winter there is something about it that makes me so very happy!
Next time you cant sleep, don't lay there tossing and turning. Kick off your bed socks and go for a little mission around your yard! Not only will you fall to sleep within minutes of coming back inside, the peace you achive in your sleep will be amazing!
Friday, May 7, 2010
How Rude
I feel a Friday morning rant coming on!
Today I was walking down the street to get to work when in the distance I saw three well dressed men. One looked to be mid 20's, the other mid 30's and the eldest I would say around about mid 50's.
I'm betting they were on their way to work, standard wool suits, cups of store bought coffee and that huddled walk that work colleagues seem to get.
We were approaching each other at the same speed, me trying to get to my work, them trying to get to theirs, and then within moments we were approaching the same ground, the same bit of space on the foot path.. and then it happened.
I was rail roaded OFF the foot path, these guys kept their huddle - they kept their speed, until the last minute when they slowed down, but did not part their seas of uselessness. Instead I had to step off the foot path, take a scenic tour around these guys and then get back onto the foot path! HOW RUDE.
Don't get me wrong - I was not expecting one of these guys to take off his jacket, lay it across a puddle and bow as I walked past, I didn't even expect one of them to walk off the footpath and into the gutter, what would have been nice though is if they had broken their huddle, used some sort of sense of decency, and through some spacial awareness, we all could have made our way to work without leaving the footpath.
I don't think that being a swing dancer has given me unrealistic expectations for how gentlemen and ladies should behave, I do think though that my morning would have started off a lot better if these guys had just taken a moment to think about common courtesy and social politeness. I'm not a vindictive person - but I hope one of them sneezed and spilt his burning coffee all over everyone else!!
Rant over.
Today I was walking down the street to get to work when in the distance I saw three well dressed men. One looked to be mid 20's, the other mid 30's and the eldest I would say around about mid 50's.
I'm betting they were on their way to work, standard wool suits, cups of store bought coffee and that huddled walk that work colleagues seem to get.
We were approaching each other at the same speed, me trying to get to my work, them trying to get to theirs, and then within moments we were approaching the same ground, the same bit of space on the foot path.. and then it happened.
I was rail roaded OFF the foot path, these guys kept their huddle - they kept their speed, until the last minute when they slowed down, but did not part their seas of uselessness. Instead I had to step off the foot path, take a scenic tour around these guys and then get back onto the foot path! HOW RUDE.
Don't get me wrong - I was not expecting one of these guys to take off his jacket, lay it across a puddle and bow as I walked past, I didn't even expect one of them to walk off the footpath and into the gutter, what would have been nice though is if they had broken their huddle, used some sort of sense of decency, and through some spacial awareness, we all could have made our way to work without leaving the footpath.
I don't think that being a swing dancer has given me unrealistic expectations for how gentlemen and ladies should behave, I do think though that my morning would have started off a lot better if these guys had just taken a moment to think about common courtesy and social politeness. I'm not a vindictive person - but I hope one of them sneezed and spilt his burning coffee all over everyone else!!
Rant over.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Chris and Lexi
Hey guys - same details as the newsletter with a special addition just for you!! The address for the workshops will be the South Hobart Badminton Center. Thats the only bit we missed out!!
oh and I took the liberty of including a photo of Mr Harm (the site i stole it from would not let me steal any of Lexi - well played Chris, well played!!)
April 10 & 11 sees the return of Chris Harm from RADelaide with his teaching partner Lexi Keeton all the way from NYC, USA.
Check out for videos and teachers bios but I can assure you that this will be one workshop you DO NOT want to miss.
They'll be teaching a full weekend of classes starting at 10.30am each day. Check out the wicked schedule below.
There is a pre-requisite that you have to know how to swing-out, so get to classes or get some privates between now and then if you don't know how.
The cost for the whole weekend of classes will be $100 with a day pass costing you $65. That means for the same price as 2 private lessons you can learn from Chris and Lexi for 8 HOURS!!!! WOAH! If you can't make a whole day, but are still interested please contact Kara ( as there may be some individual session opportunities.
Please REGISTER before the weekend with Kara ( cos even though we will take walk-ins at the beginning of each day it is always nice to know who's coming! =)
Saturday 10th April 10.30 am
Session 1: The Latest Kick - part 1
Trade in your old Australian sedan for a brand new European sports car fine tuned with the latest American components. This is the good stuff, we are changing the way you look at Lindy hop.
Session 2: Feel the Rhythm
Add rhythmical tone and texture to your dancing as we cover uncover and expand ideas on body and frame matching.
Session 3: Tricks of the Trade
Our favourite tricks from the four corners of the world. Spice up your dancing with some choice snazzy moves and manoeuvres.
Sunday 11th April 10.30am
Session 1: Al & Leon Shim Sham
Take one Shim Sham, bake in Al Minns, ice with Leon James and hey presto! Now you has vintage solo jazz.
Session 2: The Latest Kick - part 2
You've got the new ride...let's put it through its paces!
Session 3: NYC Stylings
Expand on all the ideas and concepts covered throughout the week while adding some sweet NYC style and footwork to your dancing
oh and I took the liberty of including a photo of Mr Harm (the site i stole it from would not let me steal any of Lexi - well played Chris, well played!!)
April 10 & 11 sees the return of Chris Harm from RADelaide with his teaching partner Lexi Keeton all the way from NYC, USA.
Check out for videos and teachers bios but I can assure you that this will be one workshop you DO NOT want to miss.
They'll be teaching a full weekend of classes starting at 10.30am each day. Check out the wicked schedule below.

The cost for the whole weekend of classes will be $100 with a day pass costing you $65. That means for the same price as 2 private lessons you can learn from Chris and Lexi for 8 HOURS!!!! WOAH! If you can't make a whole day, but are still interested please contact Kara ( as there may be some individual session opportunities.
Please REGISTER before the weekend with Kara ( cos even though we will take walk-ins at the beginning of each day it is always nice to know who's coming! =)
Saturday 10th April 10.30 am
Session 1: The Latest Kick - part 1
Trade in your old Australian sedan for a brand new European sports car fine tuned with the latest American components. This is the good stuff, we are changing the way you look at Lindy hop.
Session 2: Feel the Rhythm
Add rhythmical tone and texture to your dancing as we cover uncover and expand ideas on body and frame matching.
Session 3: Tricks of the Trade
Our favourite tricks from the four corners of the world. Spice up your dancing with some choice snazzy moves and manoeuvres.
Sunday 11th April 10.30am
Session 1: Al & Leon Shim Sham
Take one Shim Sham, bake in Al Minns, ice with Leon James and hey presto! Now you has vintage solo jazz.
Session 2: The Latest Kick - part 2
You've got the new ride...let's put it through its paces!
Session 3: NYC Stylings
Expand on all the ideas and concepts covered throughout the week while adding some sweet NYC style and footwork to your dancing
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Charmed Im Sure
Dust off your cucumber sandwiches, iron you big panties and crack open your finest red lipstick, the Lindy Charm School For Girls is coming to Hobart
Save the date of Saturday, May 22, 2010
The Lindy Charm School for Girls is coming to town to tutor us in how to recreate the hairstyles of the elegant 30s, 40s and 50s using modern and vintage techniques.
They also have a wealth of knowledge about vintage clothing and styling to share with us!
A vintage fashion expert and model has been invited to join us, to give us some tips and help us with a photo shoot.
Once the girls have glamed us up and covered us with charm, we think we might meet up with some well-dressed gentlemen for a delightful evening that may even involve dinner and dancing!
Final times, venue and price will be confirmed as soon as we have some other details sorted out. In the meantime, contact Olivia to register your
Or leave me a comment on this blog!!
Dont forget to check out the Lindy charm School’s website:
SPACES ARE LIMITED so register your interest with NOW!
Baby I Got The Blues
Dear Fans of being Totally Awesome
There has been a surprise upset for those of you expecting to see blues on the agenda for Level One next month! Whilst Level One Blues classes in April had been confirmed for weeks, the decision has been over turned, meaning Kara and Graeme are no longer able to teach these classes as planned (and there is nothing they can do! Believe me, we tried!!). The good news is that they will both be teaching level one next month (just not blues) and they will be able to teach their Level One Class in June and then their Level Two class in July, BUT WHY WAIT??
Kara and I are keen as mustard to get you guys into your blues groove BEFORE mid year, so we would like to invite you to book in some private lessons with us!! They are not really any more expensive than normal classes (if you share the cost between you and three friends), for the same low price of 50.00 per hour, up to four students can attend a private lesson, but I think there are more than four people out there keen to keep the blues fire burning, so I think considering there are two teachers involved, we could take bookings of up to 8 students for 100.00 per hour ($12.50 each, and I'll throw in a lemonade for you!! plus I think for the extra coin, its worth seeing the old gold of Kara and Relle getting their blues on together)
Kara and I are available most Tuesdays, alternate Thursdays and on weekends and are happy to slot in classes where they suit you best (we are even more obliging when there are more of you in attendance, so grab a few friends and get them on board!!)
Of course if you would prefer a different teacher combo, please contact Kara, she does have a few blues leads in the palm of her hand, and is a great teacher on her own, of course other times are available for smaller private lessons (again contact Kara, she really is the best at this blues thing!!)
Private lessons are completely endorsed by TasSwing as a great way to improve your dancing, this year Blues will only appear once on the teaching calendar for the year (for Wednesday night classes). As you would know there are also monthly Tuesday night classes as part of the teaching calendar, but is it really enough?? is it?? I didn't think so! Keep in mind, that private lesson attendance is not a substitute for regular class attendance, more of a supplement, we will still love to see you in class on a Wednesday night when the blues classes come round!
After the EPIC blues after party for Devil City Swing last year, I know that no one wants to be rusty at the blues game when it rolls around again this year! The Level One blues class will be only 3/4 of the way through by the time DSC is here, another great reason to make sure you're not left behind in the slow smooth shuffle that is the beat of the blues!!
Get in quick by either emailing or to book your place in a group private lesson - remember - the more the merrier!!!
Fondest regards
Relle "one half of the awesome" Davis
Kara "the other half of the awesome" Martin
There has been a surprise upset for those of you expecting to see blues on the agenda for Level One next month! Whilst Level One Blues classes in April had been confirmed for weeks, the decision has been over turned, meaning Kara and Graeme are no longer able to teach these classes as planned (and there is nothing they can do! Believe me, we tried!!). The good news is that they will both be teaching level one next month (just not blues) and they will be able to teach their Level One Class in June and then their Level Two class in July, BUT WHY WAIT??
Kara and I are keen as mustard to get you guys into your blues groove BEFORE mid year, so we would like to invite you to book in some private lessons with us!! They are not really any more expensive than normal classes (if you share the cost between you and three friends), for the same low price of 50.00 per hour, up to four students can attend a private lesson, but I think there are more than four people out there keen to keep the blues fire burning, so I think considering there are two teachers involved, we could take bookings of up to 8 students for 100.00 per hour ($12.50 each, and I'll throw in a lemonade for you!! plus I think for the extra coin, its worth seeing the old gold of Kara and Relle getting their blues on together)
Kara and I are available most Tuesdays, alternate Thursdays and on weekends and are happy to slot in classes where they suit you best (we are even more obliging when there are more of you in attendance, so grab a few friends and get them on board!!)
Of course if you would prefer a different teacher combo, please contact Kara, she does have a few blues leads in the palm of her hand, and is a great teacher on her own, of course other times are available for smaller private lessons (again contact Kara, she really is the best at this blues thing!!)
Private lessons are completely endorsed by TasSwing as a great way to improve your dancing, this year Blues will only appear once on the teaching calendar for the year (for Wednesday night classes). As you would know there are also monthly Tuesday night classes as part of the teaching calendar, but is it really enough?? is it?? I didn't think so! Keep in mind, that private lesson attendance is not a substitute for regular class attendance, more of a supplement, we will still love to see you in class on a Wednesday night when the blues classes come round!
After the EPIC blues after party for Devil City Swing last year, I know that no one wants to be rusty at the blues game when it rolls around again this year! The Level One blues class will be only 3/4 of the way through by the time DSC is here, another great reason to make sure you're not left behind in the slow smooth shuffle that is the beat of the blues!!
Get in quick by either emailing or to book your place in a group private lesson - remember - the more the merrier!!!
Fondest regards
Relle "one half of the awesome" Davis
Kara "the other half of the awesome" Martin
Friday, March 19, 2010
The Little Follow That Could - Guest Writer Kara Martin
This edition of Rellezaboppin is brought to you buy guest writer Kara Martin (of Swing Dancing, Swing Teaching and Devil City Swing fame)
Boy am I excited to see all of you guys switching up your roles on the dance floor and giving the other side a go. Faux bros and he-she's abound in our classes and the social dancefloor and whilst I think that switching roles is such a great way to improve your dancing I think it is important to learn the opposite role at the right time.
Let me tell you a story about a little follow that could. Not too long ago, I had a student who was dedicated as all heck, she would come to all of my classes, laugh at all of my jokes, and just generally help out before, during and at the end of class. She would be nice to all the new students, would be gentle with all the leads, and encourage everyone she came across, but for some reason she refused to move up to a higher class level. Maybe it was that back in those days you had to change venues or maybe it was because she had to change teachers. No matter the reason, I was getting worried that one day she would just get bored and leave us.
One fateful night, on a particularly warm summer night, dozens of follows turned up but only a couple of leads. I thought to myself, was this going to be the opportunity that would give my student something more from her classes. I said to her " go on, give it a go".
"No, no" she said " I don't know how to lead"
"No problemo bambino", I said "this is a beginners class, NO ONE expects you to know how to lead"...
Boy am I excited to see all of you guys switching up your roles on the dance floor and giving the other side a go. Faux bros and he-she's abound in our classes and the social dancefloor and whilst I think that switching roles is such a great way to improve your dancing I think it is important to learn the opposite role at the right time.
Let me tell you a story about a little follow that could. Not too long ago, I had a student who was dedicated as all heck, she would come to all of my classes, laugh at all of my jokes, and just generally help out before, during and at the end of class. She would be nice to all the new students, would be gentle with all the leads, and encourage everyone she came across, but for some reason she refused to move up to a higher class level. Maybe it was that back in those days you had to change venues or maybe it was because she had to change teachers. No matter the reason, I was getting worried that one day she would just get bored and leave us.
One fateful night, on a particularly warm summer night, dozens of follows turned up but only a couple of leads. I thought to myself, was this going to be the opportunity that would give my student something more from her classes. I said to her " go on, give it a go".
"No, no" she said " I don't know how to lead"
"No problemo bambino", I said "this is a beginners class, NO ONE expects you to know how to lead"...
Even though she struggled at first my student is now a great lead and follow, although I think she prefers to follow these days you will see her both leading and following whilst teaching your Wednesday night classes. (Maybe she'll tell you about her experiences in her next blog post ;) )
I have a great respect for any girl who wants to learn to lead, as I personally started dancing as a lead due to a knee injury. Throughout my years of leading I have come across all kinds of adversity tho! Some girls dont want to dance with other girls, (same goes for guys who want to learn to follow) and it is always nice to ask someone you don't know if they're comfortable dancing with you.
The moral of the story here is this: If you want to be a gender bender (man follow, lady lead), dont cheat yourself by skipping too far forward. With classes structured the way they are these days, you should not have to spend too long in beginners and level 1, but you will need to start at the beginning and move at a pace that is appropriate to you and the class . Ask your teacher how they think you're doing and remember, every class is different, take it for what it is, learn what is being taught and most of all have fun. Also be aware that sometimes, people just assume that if we "think we're good enough to lead, we must be". Sadly, it isn't always the case - it is hardly ever the case - but we are all in class to learn, regardless of leading and following and our gender! You will look back at your journey and think to yourself.. ahhhh so THAT'S what they were trying to lead on me all those times....
If you get really stuck, or you just dont want to have to spend so long hanging out in beginners/level 1,
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
My Love I have Cheated

Thursday nights are also Ramen nights, for around about $15.00 its a massive bowl full of delishous and authentic Ramen - menues are scattered around - order and pay at the bar and the waiting staff will deliver your dinner to you.
HINT - if you're hoping for a kit kat choc or some other sweet delight - have your correct change handy!!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
How to Look Great and Feel Amazing for Less than Fifty Clams!
Ok ladies, first things first, lemme tell you my biggest fashion secret to date (oh man, there goes my reputation). I used to be a G girl all the way, worked wearing one, slept wearing one, danced wearing one (constantly feared the thought of getting dipped in one) but a recent purchase of what I like to call "Mad Men Panties" has revolutionized my entire life. For $9.99 at one of the larger clothing chains, I purchased myself a FIVE pack of black, high wasted 100% cotton panties! The leg of the panties goes under my apple bottom (no need to get cheeky) and the waste sits just on my belly button. Do you know how many sins these little gems cover? They make me feel like a vintage doll! You dont see any G bangers in your 1942 womens weekly do you??

You cant wear them with your hipster jeans, but you can wear them under your high wasted pencil skirts, and on occasion I have been known to do the dishes in them, well black panties and an apron, it is the house wifes uniform after all!
Whilst lounging about in my Mad Men Panties, I also like to paint my nails. To achieve ultimate shine and application its all about preparation ladies!! Invest in a buffer and some nail scissors, honestly, how could you have made it this far without them?! Buffing the ridges out of your nails not only means a smooth and long lasting nail polish application, it is also a cheat I use when running short of time to give the look of gleaming clear lacquer without any of the drying time! Start by using the rough side of the buffer to work away the larger ridges (pay attention to this bit, they look so care free in the old movies but they were only acting!!) The second side of the buffer is a mid level buff, once you've taken away the deep groves, this buffer gets the surface flat and even, again, pay attention here or you will buff your nail all the way off!! NOW comes the fun bit, its time to POLISH your nail with the smooth side of the buffer. If you have done the first two stages properly, this stage should not take long at all, withing seconds you have a "smooth as glass" finish on your nails that you can either paint in your favorite color or simply protect with clear. Like I said, if you are pushed for time, you can leave your nude nails to shine, and just touch up with the smooth buffer every few days. (Don't forget, this is not just for your hands, your feet need some loving too!)
Ok so now we have glamorous nails, mad men panties and we are nearly there. So far we have invested probably about $25.00 into ourselves and we should be feeling pretty pleased!
If you really want to put some icing on the cake, I suggest you part your fringe on the other side of your head. If you usually part your hair to the left, go for the right and vice versa, you can even experiment with straight back or a cute little lady quiff. Changing your fringe kinda makes you your own evil twin sister! Is she naughty? Or is she nice? You get to decide!! People will know you have done "something different" but might not be able to tell exactly what, but they will keep on looking at your face (especially your eyes) for clues, and you my dear can choose to tell them what ever you want. Changing the part of your fringe is FREE however, don't feel bad about splurging on some new hair clips to keep it all in place, some new ear rings to show off and some length creating mascara.. Girls, for less than fifty clams, you can look and feel amazing, then when someone else buys you a drink, you have pretty much MADE money by trying out these little tips!
PS - check it out JOAN IS BIG PANTIES

You cant wear them with your hipster jeans, but you can wear them under your high wasted pencil skirts, and on occasion I have been known to do the dishes in them, well black panties and an apron, it is the house wifes uniform after all!
Whilst lounging about in my Mad Men Panties, I also like to paint my nails. To achieve ultimate shine and application its all about preparation ladies!! Invest in a buffer and some nail scissors, honestly, how could you have made it this far without them?! Buffing the ridges out of your nails not only means a smooth and long lasting nail polish application, it is also a cheat I use when running short of time to give the look of gleaming clear lacquer without any of the drying time! Start by using the rough side of the buffer to work away the larger ridges (pay attention to this bit, they look so care free in the old movies but they were only acting!!) The second side of the buffer is a mid level buff, once you've taken away the deep groves, this buffer gets the surface flat and even, again, pay attention here or you will buff your nail all the way off!! NOW comes the fun bit, its time to POLISH your nail with the smooth side of the buffer. If you have done the first two stages properly, this stage should not take long at all, withing seconds you have a "smooth as glass" finish on your nails that you can either paint in your favorite color or simply protect with clear. Like I said, if you are pushed for time, you can leave your nude nails to shine, and just touch up with the smooth buffer every few days. (Don't forget, this is not just for your hands, your feet need some loving too!)

PS - check it out JOAN IS BIG PANTIES
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Cliff and Amy
These guys seriously made me want to teach full time!! They are the most amazing couple and damn it, wouldn't you know it, they have bucket loads of natural talent.
Cliff was quite the student back in the day, a regular on Tuesdays as I recall, but then as all dark horses do, he disappeared for a few years until I one day unwittingly knocked on his kitchen door asking if he was the guy getting married and introducing myself as his teacher!
Of course I recognized Cliff right away, his tall dark and handsome looks had not changed, now they were beautifully complimented by Amy, a peaches and cream complexion, and hair made of real sunlight and gold!
These guys were just dreamy!! (am i gushing??). They had their song, they had ambition, they had me as their teacher.. what else is there!?!? Well modesty is not my strong point, but I should say, these guys barely needed me!!
Cliff is a strong lead, Amy is a light as a feather follow, all I had to do was throw in a dip, a jump and a little strutt and the rest was all them!!
Our last class was barely a class at all! They gave their dance one final go through, complete with giggles, styling, flourishes and a kiss (actually a few kisses!!) after that it was glasses of bubbly and snacks.
I have taught a number of wedding classes over the past few years, but never ever before have I felt so welcomed into someones home, and showered with so much joy and happiness! As you can see by the photos, these guys are going to be happily ever after. I secretly hope that when they hear their song when they are out at dinner for their fiftieth wedding anniversary, they get up and do their dance like they did for their big day, I'm sure they will remember all the moves as I also secretly hope they bust out the dance in the lounge room of their newly purchased home.
Congratulations for everything guys!!!
ps - perhaps we see you in class sometime???

Of course I recognized Cliff right away, his tall dark and handsome looks had not changed, now they were beautifully complimented by Amy, a peaches and cream complexion, and hair made of real sunlight and gold!
These guys were just dreamy!! (am i gushing??). They had their song, they had ambition, they had me as their teacher.. what else is there!?!? Well modesty is not my strong point, but I should say, these guys barely needed me!!

Our last class was barely a class at all! They gave their dance one final go through, complete with giggles, styling, flourishes and a kiss (actually a few kisses!!) after that it was glasses of bubbly and snacks.
I have taught a number of wedding classes over the past few years, but never ever before have I felt so welcomed into someones home, and showered with so much joy and happiness! As you can see by the photos, these guys are going to be happily ever after. I secretly hope that when they hear their song when they are out at dinner for their fiftieth wedding anniversary, they get up and do their dance like they did for their big day, I'm sure they will remember all the moves as I also secretly hope they bust out the dance in the lounge room of their newly purchased home.
Congratulations for everything guys!!!
ps - perhaps we see you in class sometime???
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